“ Oh boo hoo! Not Bethesda fault that PS3 is crap to code for! Just buy it on PC since you obviously have problems with getting a XBOX! I have it for 360 and PC! As well as Dawnguard on both machines! Just buy a second copy on steam! And stop complaining!“ – Anthony Darryl Abeyta. AND THEY KNOW THE ONES TO SPEND THE MONEY ON FOR SURE!” – Logan Phillips. THEY DON’T! Xbox puts our hard earned money to where it should go, video games. How often do you see PS3 go out and provide their fans with exclusive content. Then you will realize why 360 users pay for their content.

If it sucks that much to you, quit being a bunch of cheapo’s and go get a 360.

“ Love how when PS3 users get an exclusive game or DLC they rub it in then when it happens to them they rage about it ha, heres an idea why not trade in your very clearly inferior console for an xbox? And stop crying !!!!“ – Daniel Anderson. It’s the first step on the path to happiness. If you’re a PS3 user steamed at Bethesda for its handling of games on your preferred system, you’ll want to read this fantastic advice from a range of experienced gamers. Well … I guess it’s a solution that works in a perverse sort of way. It’s a nice little example of the modern gamer attitude, where logging a complaint is no longer a valid consumer option, and you should just keep giving the industry more of your money until your problem goes away. Naturally, Bethesda’s Facebook page is inundated with complaints, but interestingly it seems that a number of fans have been able to offer some solutions - either buy an Xbox 360 or shut up. PC users will have to wait, while PS3 users haven’t even got Dawnguard - and may never get it. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim received it’s Hearthfire home-building DLC this week, but only if you have the Xbox 360 version.