testing yourself.My biggest complaint with Chivalry is that I feel like there is no rhyme or reason to anything. this is where Chivalry shines and youll be getting most of your enjoyment from. you have to learn how to block and parry, time your attcks… this is a game that demands you master it to have any amount of fun…to be able to pick off other players as they surround you like sharks. youll be defending or attacking, using on of 4 different classes, all with their own special perks, such as the knight being able to heal your team, or the archer being able to shoot fire arrows… I had a blast for my first couple hours of this game…The combat here is very deep like that of for honnor, so if you dont like for honor, youre not gonna like this game. but for those really into hand to hand combat nd roll playing, this game is great.Chivalry 2 is basically for honor except just knights… you choose red team or blue team and then youre off into a 64 player or 40 player battle for control over a castle. but for those really into hand to hand combatChivalry 2For HonorChivalry 2 Is greatis it for me? No, I got bored of it fairly quickly. And that's only ONE moment of the match in this f**king masterclass of a multiplayer game - only one point off for not having crossplay lobbies implemented.Tl:dr - this game is amazing and so much better than chiv 1 or mordhauĬhivalry 2For HonorChivalry 2 Is greatis it for me? No, I got bored of it fairly quickly. And in the fury of the moment I swing wide again and slash all three before getting hacked to pieces in their next barrage of attacks. Reinforcements were right behind him and make their way to me - swords branded and in the midst of swinging.

His friend charges me but I quickly block his attacks and catch him with a slash - but suddenly an oilpot gets thrown at us and we both go ablaze.In the heat of the moment, thinking I'm already dead, I simply jump through the wall of fire and rush the enemy I engaged earlier and cut him down in the madness. The one closest to me swings erratically and I lift the axe and bring it down on his head, killing him.

Does that make the game any less fun? Hell no.Running into battle, I wielded a giant axe and swung wide, accidentally hitting a teammate but also slicing through two enemies before they land a blow on us. Does that make the game any less fun? Hell no.Running into battle, I wielded a giant axeThis puts Mordhau to shame.